Tag Archives: Wine Country

Bite Silicon Valley, Day 1, How Can We Shape The Future of Food, Health, and Technology, at Levi’s® Stadium

Bite Silicon Valley, Day 1, How Can We Shape The Future of Food, Health, and Technology to help our Growing Population, End Food Waste, Create Affordable Food for All, and GMOs Debate Conference, at Levi’s® Stadium

The Bite Silicon Valley, the nation’s first-ever FESTIVAL exploring bitesvthe intersection of food + tech, at Levi’s® Stadium June 5-7, 2015 has come to a close, marking the very first year of the best and the brightest in the worlds of culinary, chefs, innovators, pioneers, winemakers, and tech all got together in the heart of Silicon Valley. With over 60 chefs, 30 wineries, 20 speakers, and all for great cause, Bite SV chef_jose_andres_chef_michael_chiarellobenefits Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties and the 49ers Foundation. Unlike other Food & Wine Festivals in Las Vegas, South Beach or Aspen, where celebrity sightings, fancy dinners, after-parties, and happy hours sponsored by many luxurious high end brands; Bite has been a successful food + wine + tech + innovation festival, like no other, where ideas, issues, awareness, and solutions were raised and together we will make this world a better place. We’re humbled and truly honored to attend Bite SV and joined favorite chefs and Bite food_bite_silicon_valley2Silicon Valley to make a difference in our community.

Now that the show was over, here are a few highlights of DAY 1 conference, from Bite Silicon Valley 2015, Dep Lifestyle Magazine team got to attend this past weekend.

On day 1:

We got to listen to opening keynote speaker, one of Time Bite Silicon Valley 2015 021Magazine’s “100” Most Influential People and awarded “Outstanding Chef” by the James Beard Foundation chef Jose Andres of ThinkFoodGroup. Along with Michiel Bakker, Director, Global Food Program, Google, Danielle Nierenberg, President, Food Tank, and moderator Dorothy Cann Hamilton, Founder & CEO, The International Culinary Center.

What Are You Doing to Enable The Planet to Feed 9 Billion People?

“Food is the most important energy. Food moves everyone. Food is not a problem. Food is a solution for us now and the future. How are we going to feed the 9 billion people? The rich & the poor are all interconnect. Food is lifting us up, not bringing us down. We need to use technology to solve food waste & to save the hungers. Food can change the world. And we are in the best place in the world to start that conversation NOW.” Chef Jose Andres was passionate about this as he always has been committed advocate of food and hunger issues.

“If you focus on something, change will happen. Don’t wait for Bite Silicon Valley 2015 020perfect solution, act today! Done is better than perfect.” by Michiel Bakker. He shared Google vision: “To inspire and enable the world to make food choices and use food experiences to develop more sustainable lifestyles and communities.” How can we help people to be at their best today, tomorrow and over the long haul through food (experiences)? And Google goal: “Move people to a balanced-plant-centric diet. And how do we increase appeal of plant-based proteins?”

“Forward thinking, connecting people together and how to get people together moving forward with food.” By Dorothy Cann Hamilton

Inspiration note by Danielle Nierenberg: “Food Tank is committed to showcasing best practices to implement change.”

bite1The Millennials how they are engaged with food, it’s our generation to solve this ongoing world’s problems. With technology moving forward, celebrity chefs, world leaders, scientists, and community, together we can solve this problem by minimizing, reversing, and conserving.

The Challenge of Food Waste – Moderator Kerry Diamond, Editor in Chief, Yahoo Food.

“Waste food = profit, I’m an entrepreneur, I guarantee you I want to make profit = no food waste.” Chef Jose Andres

“100% “nasty goods”, sell healthy food to kids, Robert Egger Founder LA Kitchen & DC Central Kitchen, said he is seriously thinking about branding it!

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 028Follow @UglyFruitAndVeg @EndFoodWaste food is the single largest source of waste in the US. EndFoodWaste.org is the website and campaign created and managed by volunteer food waste activist Jordan Figueiredo.  In the world, 33% of our food is wasted while 1 in 7 people are food insecure and 10% of our human-made emissions come from the food we waste.  It is through the intersection of those issues, as the environmental and social challenges of our time that sparked the website motto “To End Food Waste, Hunger, and Climate Change. All at the Same Time.”  Bringing these 3 issues together provides greater awareness and inspiration as they are very well connected in problem and in solutions such as food waste prevention and food recovery, among other things.

“LA restaurants food waste is coming to an end. Profit should not food_bite_silicon_valleyleaving your community, and think of social responsibility, we should End Food Waste now.” Robert Egger. He mentioned that LA serves local food and keeps the money in the local community, especially for the public sector. Uncensored Egger added: “Could “Fuck Waste” be the “Got Milk?” slogan for Food Waste?” Then he gives us one of his best advise “First to follow, last can lead”, food can reveal that power that we all have!” More food ends up in landfills than plastic or paper and that’s fact.

According to the USDA, in 2013, 14.7 million or approximately 20 percent of children in the U.S. lived in poverty, that’s 1 in 5 children, how can we end food waste? And share ii with the less fortunate? How can food waste be such a big problem?

Hampton Creek, Josh Tetrick, CEO/Founder, a technology company hampton_creek_josh_tetrickpioneering in food and selected by Bill Gates as one of the three shaping the future of food. It has a mission to bring healthier and affordable food to everyone, everywhere, using the world’s untapped plant kingdom. Hampton Creek is the fastest-growing food company on Earth.

“Everything I do right now is making a machine that makes an impact in this world.” Good people will do good. Just make it easy. What would it look like of we started over? We don’t have to be victims of the supply chain” Tetrick added.

The Story of Loco’l – Bringing Restaurants to Food Deserts.

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 032Chef Roy Choi, who is celebrated for “food that isn’t fancy” and is known as one of the founders of the food truck movement. He shared with us Loco’l, his new fast casual concept aimed at food deserts, will be open later 2015 in Watts, a neighborhood in Los Angeles, as well as in the Tenderloin, San Francisco in the near future.  Chef Roy Choi is making a difference in our community 1 food truck at a time. We got to serve our community first! Support your community by follow him on Twitter @RidingShotgunLA and @welocol for news and updates along the way.

“We’re bring the best motherfucker here to you, but they came from Watts, Tenderloin that culture, that life will change. I trust the intelligence of the public. We want to serve the public good food. They don’t need to know who we are (chefs). Culture, food, life, there is a whole landscape out there. It’s a journey, not to be adulty about food.” Uncensored chef Roy Choi, got the crowd cheering up for him.

“He brings his soul, his food, and his passion to the people. He’s amazing. He’s a hero.” Chef Jose Andres praised Chef Roy Choi in closing.

The Renewed Debate About GMOs

On the last discussion of the conference, Bite SV debated about the Bite Silicon Valley 2015 038controversial of GMOs, Dr. Robert Fraley, EVP and CTO of Monsato and Chef, TV Host, Farmer, + Vintner Michael Chiarello discussed about the need to feed a growing population and overcome adverse growing condition, what roll GMOs play.

“Without profitability there is no sustainability. The sufficient food, since 1980, the bad news is that 256% people are over nourished, we can re-distribute the calories from the over nourished to the under nourished. Decrease emotional calories, it’s all about calories distribution in our population, take us back to 1900.” Chef Michael Chiarello.

wife_chef_michael_chiarelloMany of American are now malnourished. They are over nourished. Our eating habits have changed drastically in the last few decades. Even in California, according UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and California Center for Public Health Advocacy, 1 in 3 children are obesity, how did we get here? And 1 in 5 children in this country are hungry every day. How can we change this?

$15 an average meal cost for an American is about a week wage for 4 billion people in the world. This is fact from Dr. Robb Fraley. By 2050 we need to produce more food than ever before in history. We have to reduce and conserve to feed the population, and we need to be able to do it all facing the climate change, together we can.

“I wake up every day for the last 35 years, thinking what I leave for dr_robert_fraley_chef_chiarellomy kids. That’s what thrive me. Innovation in food is what we do.” Dr. Robb Fraley. Collaborating for change: discussed how Monsato broadly licenses technologies around the world to help farmers. GMOs panel talked about Hybridization and genetic modification are the same thing; the difference is the warp speed.

Audiences asked what would Dr. Robb Fraley do different if he could. He replied: “I would start with the trust by the consumers, that’s how I would start over.” IN the end, an interesting point Dr. Robb Fraley stated that not only Monsato a_chef_jose_andresagainst GMOs labeling because only 5 percent of food that needs it; but the public also voted down on this proposition 37.

In closing of the conference Day 1, the speakers and the audiences all agree that we need to reduce, conserve, and little by little than nothing at all.

Author: Manda Bear

To follow her food and wine adventure, you can follow her on:

Instagram: @1mandabear
Twitter: @1mandabear and @DepLifestyleMag

Sweet Triumph: The Great First Growth of Royal Tokaji

Royal Tokaji wine tasting with panelists: Legendary Larry Stone, MS, Charlie Mount of Royal Tokaji, Karen MacNeil of The Wine Bible, Pebble Beach April 2015 500Carlton McCoy, MS of The Little Nell, and Royal Tokaji Co-founder Ben Howkins.

I was honor to be here at the Royal Tokaji tasting with the Co-Founder Ben Howkins himself, and panelists for the top celebrated wine professionals in the world at the beautiful Pebble Beach on a Saturday afternoon. There was absolutely nothing I would rather do more than being there in the great company of other wine professionals and Royal Tokaji fans alike, there was about 30 of us here. I got to drink Royal Tokaji Mézes Mály of every single vintage was ever produced, except the 1993 vintage when Royal Tokaji was Pebble Beach April 2015 502founded, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2009. “We had one tasting like this since Royal Tokaji was founded since 1993, so this is only our second time. This amazing line up of First Growth tasting will never happen again.” Charlie Mount said.

I thought I should savor to the very last drop of this delicious sweet Pebble Beach April 2015 501wine, or I can just stare at it with my camera so that moment would last longer. History was made at Pebble Beach Food & Wine this year and I was there.

After an hour and 15 minutes of educational, informative and enjoyable to walk through one of the world’s most royal and historic wine regions, and most notably, the world’s first-recorded first growth vineyard – Mézes Mály in Tokaj. “Think of Champagne, Madeira, and here we have Royal Tokaji , the reason we’re all here now because we want to preserve the legacy of Royal Tokaji .” said Larry Stone, MS.

Pebble Beach April 2015 505Wines from Tokaj region in Northeast Hungary, located 240 kilometers Northeast of Budapest in the Zemplén Mountains, have been considered the world’s finest since 17th century. These outstanding wines deliver concentrated orange and honeyed sweetness, combined with steely minerality Pebble Beach April 2015 506and astonishing clean acidity, and they will continue to develop and evolve for decades to come.

Royal Tokaji  was founded in 1990 by well-known author Hugh Johnson and a small group of investors who were inspired after the fall of Communism to restore and preserve Hungary’s precious wine legacy, to craft and age these exceptional Aszú wines. Royal Tokaji ’s first growth single-vineyards (and great-first-growth Mézes Mály) have always been privately owned. Betsek and Szr. Tamás were owned by Prince Rakoczi I and Prince Rakoczi II.” Charlie Mount continued to explain to us about the wonderful history of this wine and the story of Royal Tokaji. I was simply amazed.

In Tokaj, the volcanic soil, climate, indigenous grape varieties, Pebble Beach April 2015 504indigenous yeasts ad deep underground cellars, combined with the genius and traditions of their Magyar creators, have withstood 400 years of change.

Royal Tokaji owns more than half of Mézes Mály meaning honeycomb), one of only two vineyards in all of Tokaj to be named as a great first growth in the classification of 1700. It has been referred to as “to be the first choice as the royal table,” an honorable distinction like Chateau d’Yquem in Bordeaux.

royal tokaji karen macneilKaren MacNeil of The Wine Bible,  2nd edition is available everywhere in October 2015, was a great commentator, she was engaged with other panelists to have them describe the tasting notes for the audience throughout the tasting.

Carlton McCoy, MS of The Little Nell,  in Aspen, Colorado was sharp, distinctive, and edgy in the way he describes his tasting notes, the audiences couldn’t get enough of it. McCoy had worked at some of the best restaurants in New York City such as Chef Thomas Keller’s Per Se, Chef Marcus Samuelsson’s Aquavit and Chef Tom Colicchio’s Craft Steak. He was named to Forbes’ list “30 under 30,” Wine Enthusiast’s “Best New Sommelier”

Charlie Mount was passionate about Royal Tokaji. He answered many questions and was very informative with guests. Listened to him while sipping the wines, it was a perfect harmony. He was a great story teller with a passion like no other. Charlie Mount is no stranger to sweet wine, when he compared Royal Tokaji to Chateau d’Yquem; I should have know the connection. The first wine he could remember tasting at the age of 5 was Chateau d’Yquem 1971. After years of branding for LVMH Group, he moved to Champagne Krug and helped to launch the Krug Clos d’Ambonnay, and the expansion of the “Krug Room.”

royal-tokaji ben howkinsAfter an hour or so of tasting and indulging one of the finest wines in the world, I got to talk with Co-Founder and Director at Royal Tokaji Ben Howkins about the legendary Essencia, which I got to taste a spoon of it at the 3 Michelin Star Saison Restaurant in San Francisco, thank you to the introduction of this royal wine by Master Sommelier Mark Bright two years ago. I had the 5 and 6 Puttonyos Aszú many times before but this was the first time I got to try the Essencia. I wasn’t sure what to expect then, but ever since that experience, I became a fan of Royal Tokaji.

“The legendary Essencia, produced in exceptional vintages, is wowing collectors and diners alike, especially when it is served in crystal or porcelain spoon.” Ben Howkins added.

“It took about 200 lbs of grape to produce a bottle of Essencia, so approximately 8 lbs of grape over 7 years, to get 1 spoon of the Essencia. The 2003 Essencia is offered in a beautifully designed brass-hinged wooden boxed carved from Hungarian oak, lined with silk and containing the crystal spoon for sipping. The spoon was designed exclusively for Royal Tokaji, enabling 25 sips per bottle. Essencia is an immortal wine and may last for 200 years.” Charlie Mount added on his last note.

royal tokaji ian cauble carlton mccoyIt was an incredible one in a life time experience of this tasting with Royal Tokaji. I’m humbled by the experience and broaden my knowledge of this royal wine. After the nine first growth vintages of Mézes Mály, with so many tasting notes for me to go back and remember what it was like when I first smell the aroma of each vintage. It’s something that I will never forget, and something I will pass on to my colleagues, my clients, those that will not have this chance ever again in the history of Royal Tokaji tasting.

So if you love Foie Gras as much as I do, ask your sommelier for a pour of Royal Tokaji with the dish, or if you lover cigars, fruit tarts, chocolate desserts, and cheeses, this royal wine can be your newest companion. Don’t forget to tweet or Instagram me your photo, I would love to hear from you, and I hope your experience with Royal Tokaji will be as good as I have.

Website: Royal Tokaji
Twitter: https://twitter.com/royal_tokaji 

by Manda Bear – TwitterInstagram

Buena Vista Winery, Sonoma Wine Country

buena10 Buena Vista is oldest winery in California, founded in 1857, Buena Vista is California’s first premium winery, and its history is as colorful as it is proud. Today, it’s belong to the vision of Jean-Charles Boisset. Just a few minutes drive from downtown Sonoma, the original winery is now a California Historic Landmark, and home to our Winery, Tasting Room, and Visitor’s Center.

It’s a beautiful and historical estate, open Daily from 10 am to 5 pm, buena3excluding major holidays. The drive here is quite easy. Plenty of parking spaces, stroll down the pathway, you will see the maze garden on your left and some of the historical figures on your right, before you arrive to the chateau-like main tasting room.

They offer so many tours and wines tasting options, check on their website is best: www.buenavistawinery.com/visit

buena7– Barrel tour and tasting  – $35 per person, the Barrel Tour and Tasting is available daily at 11am and 2pm, the tour and tasting lasts about 1 hour. Reservations are required.

– Private reserve tasting – Escape the crowds and explore a flight of our Private Reserve and limited-release wines at the Private Reserve Bar overlooking our main tasting salon. Available daily between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. $30 per person, $24 for Wine Club Members. No Reservations Required.

buena9– Grand reserve tasting experience – Enjoy a seated, by-appointment-only tasting experience that features library wines carefully selected by our winemaker and poured in the quiet seclusion of The Count’s Cave. Reservations are required. Available daily at 11:00 am, 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm. $40 per person, $32 for Wine Club Members.

– Be the count blending experience – Who would like to be The Count or Countess?  90-minute,  you will play with Zinfandel, Merlot and buena5mixed reds. Find the perfect palate then bottle, cork, foil and label your bottle. You will design your own label and leave with a newly branded wine tailored to your masterful palate. The best part is you can order as many cases as you desire.
Available daily at 10:30am and 1:30pm. $100 per person, $80 for Wine Club Members. Reservations are required.

buena1– Picnic hampers – Picnicking at historic Buena Vista has long been a favorite for many guests, and we now offer a Picnic Hamper from a fine local food purveyor filled with delectable delights! Available daily between 11am – 3pm, we are offering two options:

The Count’s Hamper, named for our original founding proprietor in 1857, Count Agoston Haraszthy. For two: rustic sandwich, salad, assorted sweet delights.

buena2The JCB French Hamper, named for our current proprietor Jean-Charles Boisset. For two: assorted Artisan cheeses, Charcuterie, rustic potato salad, baguette half, assorted sweet delights.

Reservations are required  and the hamper is for day-of use only. Both Hampers are $75 and include a Buena Vista wine tasting and two glasses for your picnic. This is a good choice if you just want to lay out at chill and not worry about bringing your own food.

They offer variety of wines from rose to sparkling, from chardonnay to zinfandel, blend varietals and more. The wines range from $20 + to over hundred with their soon to be release red.

buena4  I enjoyed their Pinot Noir Carneros but it’s sold out currently. Their zinfandel is another one that you should try if you like spicy, full bodied red.

They are dogs friendly which is so awesome, so you don’t have to leave your 4-legs friend at home. Although they can’t come inside the tasting room unless they’re service  dogs.

I love the Champagne tasting room a lot, off-white leather couches, buena6chandeliers and by the cave, bring a jacket. It’s much more chill and peaceful than the main crowded tasting room.

If you come on the weekend, expect slower service and not much personal, but if you can come on week day, always excellent service here.

Follow them:
Instagram https://instagram.com/buenavistawinery
Twitter https://twitter.com/buenavistawines

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear

Cairdean Vineyards, St. Helena, Napa Valley Wine Country

cairdean1  Cairdean Vineyards just opened their tasting room in St. Helena in the Spring 2014, just right down the street from the Culinary Institute of America, opens 7 days a week from 11-8 PM and no reservation required; which is a perfect last stop on your way back since all the wineries are closed at 4-5 PM.

A beautiful tasting room, spacious, modern, and quite charming with a square bar makes it easy to serve guests as they can stand around or sit down. The earthy palette, concrete flooring and dark stained cabinetry are brightened with brass accents.Love the table with black marble top and brass base, leather club chairs, chandelier constructed out of wine bottles which give me a great idea for my own and a beautiful stone fireplace.
We got to try a lot of wines but a few that stand out.

– Haley Margaret White Wine – $10 of this wine helps raise awareness and funding for others who battle Cystic Fibrosis. Nice nose, stone fruits, smooth, bright, just a good wine for Sunday brunch, a unique blend of Pinot Gris, Roussanne, and Viogner.

– 2010 Cairdean Vineyards Merlot Bordeaux blend – 81% Merlot, 17% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1.5% Malbec, and 0.5% Petite Verdot. On cairdean4the nose, red berry, dark cherry , and blueberry aromas,  oak spice, hazelnut and cocoa, lingering finish, medium bodied with balanced acidity. Maybe I’m bias because I love Bordeaux, this wine reminds me of a good bottle of the Right Bank, Pomerol 2010 vintage, to be exact. Only 492 Cases Produced.

– 2011 Cairdean Vineyards Syrah – 84% Syrah, 11% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon, dark cherry, spice, herbs, beautiful and cairdean3voluptuous on the nose, even more curvy on the bodied, long finish, full bodied. Syrah is not my favorite varietal, but this bottle makes me think of Northern Rhone, well done, I enjoyed this very much and I got to tried this the last 2 years. If you love a BIG wine, you must TRY this! Winemaker Stacia Williams surely nailed this one! She’s also very sweet and humbled, I’m lucky to get to meet here and her husband Edwin Williams co-owner of Cairdean Vineyards during Flavor! Napa in 2014.

cairdean2  Service was wonderful here as always and the tasting fee is very reasonable and affordable for Napa Valley. Cairdean Vineyards is a perfect last top for you before you leave Napa Valley, don’t forget to check out their newly opened restaurant The Farmer and The Fox cairdeanestate.com

Follow them on Twitter and IG: twitter.com/CairdeanWine

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear

Kistler Vineyards, Sonoma Wine Country

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY to visit this winery!

kistler1  Kistler Vineyards was never open their tasting room for decades until recently.  Can you imagine that their wine club members  and fans around the world can only drink the wines they purchase but couldn’t taste it before until now.

Once you RSVP, they will tell you the instruction how to get here with a gated property.

Trenton Roadhouse
7095 Trenton-Healdsburg Road
Forestville, CA 95436

Opens TUE-SAT, by appointment only at 10:30 AM and 2 PM only per day.

kistler2  A gorgeous cottage like next to their 2 vineyards on the property, a barn, a pond, and a gorgeous view from their second floor.

A newly remodeled and beautiful tasting room where you can be amazed, along with their award winning wines for decades.

Brooked was greeted us nicely as we pulled in. She has the brightest smile, model like figure, dressed stylishly, of course because she kistler4moved here from New York. I, on the other hand, totally over-dressed in my short and tank top gym clothes! I was embarrassed 🙂 Too much diking and eating the night before I just wanted to running around the vineyard to burn the calories, so my thought! Until Brooke poured us some of the best Burgundian style wines, I’d rather chilled and enjoyed it.

kistler7 She explained and walked us through the soils, “it’s all about the terroir” and that’s what Kistler Vineyards is all about. “If the Kistler Winery could be magically transported to the middle of Burgundy’s Côte d’Or, it would quickly gain a reputation as glorious as any producer of Burgundy grand crus.”  Robert Parker said.

Brooke is also a sommelier from New York with a Southern accent. kistler6She’s vibrant, fun, and passionate about the program that Kistler is doing now with this brand new tasting room at the Trenton Roadhouse. She involved us in the tour that makes it so much more fun, very informative and educational. She also allowed us to taste side-by-side of the 3 chardonnays, so we could compare notes. That’s the best way to learn about the terroir and what you like. My friends and I had an awesome time here.

Both their Chardonnay and Pinot Noir are crafted utilizing classic Burgundian techniques. Kistler wines are produced solely by native yeasts. Their barrels are crafted from French oak that is aged to specifications and specifically tailored to their program. All of their wines are bottled unfiltered and unfined. All of the sites are planted to the same clone, a California heritage selection that they have been kistler3using for 3 decades, imagine that.

Their wines are always sold out and source after, to get their wines, you got to be on the mailing list. They don’t even have library wines, because they sold out after every vintage release.

They offer 2 tasting options:

4 wines: 3 Chardonnay + 1 Pinot Noir  for $75 per person

7 wines: 5 Chardonnay + 2 Pinot Noir for $150 per person

kistler9  I know it seems pricey for wines tasting in Sonoma, but remember this is not they typical Chardonnay and Pinot Noir you normally drink, this wine is source after, some of the best ever.

Think of old world style wines. If you want a buttery style chardonnay, this is NOT for you.

Burgundy style Chardonnay displays less fruit and more earth and mineral notes. They are powerful and rich, with complex kistler5fruit flavors and notes of earth and minerals. The wines expess more of the terroir, where it comes from. If you like me, you wold enjoy Kistler Chardonnay tremendously.

Kistler Vineyards at Trenton Roadhouse should be on top of your list to visit if you are a white Burgundy lover/collector.

Website: www.kistlervineyards.com

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear


The Donum Estate, Sonoma Wine Country

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY to visit this winery!

donum9  The Donum Estate is tuck in the quiet side of Sonoma, you wouldn’t know about it because even Yelp doesn’t have much information about it.  Beautiful vineyard, a barn with chickens running out, some beautiful art works, and a beautiful tasting room.

donum3  Anne Moller-Racke the President and Winegrower of Donum Estate came to California in the early eighties and became vineyard manager for the oldest winery for Buena Vista Carneros Winery in 1983. Then 2001 she took over The Donum Estate project.  She has truly become a wine grower, sheparding the grapes from vine to bottle. As president, Moller-Racke’s management style inspires a
donum2committed team to work with the utmost pride and care on the ultimate Pinot Noir project. Under her leading and the winemakers here, they produce award winning and outstanding Pinot Noir wines earning over 91-95 points by Wine Spectator and Robert Parker.

donum10  They produce only single-vineyard, estate wines from vineyards in Carneros, Russian River Valley and Anderson Valley. Vintage 2012, they got 7 wines from 91-95, now that’s an amazing record.

3 of their Pinots – Carneros, Russian River Valley and Anderson Valley – carry appellations names while the others come from their most prized sites or are a small barrel selection. An estate Carneros Chardonnay completes their donum8Burgundian portfolio.

The Donum Estate is right next to the Stemler Vineyard, doesn’t open to the public, appointment only. We came in and Maggie was the one who hosted us. She was very nice and walked us through the wines, explain anything we asked thoroughly.

If you are a Pinot Noir fan, a Burgundian style, come here, you would enjoy it very much.

donum1  They offer 2 wine clubs that you find more information here:  thedonumestate.com

1 of my favorite and the best Pinot Noir Burgundian style from Sonoma.

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear

Stone Edge Farm Winery, Sonoma Wine Country

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY to visit this winery

Stone Edge Farm Winery has a few location, but the only one you stoneedge1will be visit is not the one that the address listed here on Yelp. Their official tasting room is located here:

The Silver Cloud Vineyard

5700 Cavedale Road, Glen Ellen, CA 95442

It’s bout 30 minutes from the Square in Sonoma, if you are coming from Silicon Valley and using WAZE GPS, it’s most likely will take you pass Yountville on highway 29, drive through the mountain, a serious stiff drive, think of HWY 1 and Santa Cruz HWY 17 combine, and 1 lane with 2 ways traffic, we drove up in our little Prius C, we got a little anxiety by the time we arrived.

stoneedge2  However, it’s the landscape that glistens at this 160-acre property, had been remodeled and expanding plans in place. It’s such a beautiful place, peaceful, and charming,  It’s also linked to one of America’s most famous adventurers Jack London. Silver Cloud Vineyard is surely a hidden gem of Sonoma Valley history.

stoneedge7  The property is set on the eastern slope of Mount Vedeer above Sonoma Valley, about 5 miles from Glen Ellen downtown.

They only offer a few appointment per day. If you got lucky enough to get in, either Frenchman Philippe or Sonoma local Dorothe will host you. They are both simply the best of what they do. We got Dorothe this time. She is beautiful, humbled, warm and made us feel as we were VIP.

She toured us the property, explained everything and since she came on board 4 years ago, Stone Edge Farm Winery produced only 1 red, stoneedge5now in 2015, they produced multiple red, specializes in BORDEAUX blend, and a bright and crisp Sauvignon Blanc. We heard that they also plan to produce white Bordeaux with Semillon varietal in the near future, this is a fantastic news, because we don’t see it much here in the Sonoma Wine Country.

I enjoyed the 2010 Stone Edge Farm Surround Bordeaux Blend Sonoma Valley, 79% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot, 1% Malbec, 22 months in tight-grained 225 liter French oak barrels, 60% new. Winemaker Jeff Baker surely knows what he is dong and he has been master his craft for many decades here.

donum6  This full bodied Bordeaux Blend has aromas of cassis, black pepper, coffee, and a hint of dark chocolate. The flavors are lively and focused with powerful layers of black plum, cherry, and tobacco. It is deep red in color, with soft rich tannins, and a persistent finish. For only $55 per bottle, this is probably 1 of the best CAB Bordeaux style that you can ever have. A beautiful, voluptuous wine that you don’t have to break your bank like typical Napa Valley Cab.

The Stone Edge Farm Cabernet Sauvignon, 30 months in French oak barrels, this is some of the longest barrel that I’ve heard. Think of Barolo in Italy for 35 months barrel aging, and even with this long, their current release vintage 2010 is only $85. This wine is cellar worthy for you collectors out there. Their 2009 vintage got 96 points from Robert Parker.

stoneedge3  Don’t forget to check out their beautiful award winning cookbook by chef John McReynolds, the book contains more than a hundred recipes. It also includes essays on gardening by Colby Eierman, a winemaking essay by Jeff Baker, and a vineyard essay and poem by our viticulturist, Phil Coturri. The book concludes with a lively extended conversation on pairing food and wine among McReynolds, Baker, and our proprietor, Mac McQuown.

Sitting on the deck wines tasting, with cheese and charcuteri to snack on, looking at this gorgeous vineyard and a breathtaking view on a lazy afternoon in March at 75 degree, with cool breeze, this wine country living can’t get better than this.

stoneedge5  Thank you Dorothe for an impeccable service. She’s 1 of the reasons why I love wines. She shares with us beautiful story about this winery. She has so much passion for what she does and it shows. We would come back to visit soon even with this rough drive to the wood, just to to visit her, and of course, the delicious wines too!

Stone Edge Farm Winery at Silver Cloud Vineyard is absolutely worth the drive. A must visit if you are in Sonoma County, please plan extra 30 minutes on driving just in case you get lost.
Absolutely NO CELL SERVICE when you drive through the wood, so pay attention to the road.

Website info for their wine clubs: stoneedgefarm.com
Follow them on Twitter: twitter.com/stoneedgefarm

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear

Regale Winery & Vineyards, Santa Cruz Mountains, Silicon Valley, California

I can’t believe that living in the Bay Area for this long and I P1030332
haven’t been here to Regale Winery and Vineyards at all. Even the winery is in Los Gatos, but it’s actually deep inside the Santa Cruz Mountains, just a short drive of 10 minutes from downtown Los Gatos and 20 minutes from downtown San Jose, the heart of Silicon Valley.

The Tasting Room Open to the Public Saturday and Sunday from Noon-5 PM by appointment only, but Regale Winery and Vineyards are strictly for  members only and during the week, they often rent out for corporate events and weddings.

Regale Winery and Vineyards is so beautiful with gorgeous Italian IMG_2832inspired landscape, garden, water fountain, and a breathtaking view of the Santa Cruz Mountains and the vineyards. It’s peaceful, tranquil, and romantic. I can see why it’s such a great place for a wedding.  A spiral herb garden, outdoor fireplaces, a bocce ball court, and a traditional wood-fired oven. Three varieties of olive trees line the property from which they hand-pick and press the olives to produce their Estate Olive Oil. Wait till Summer, when they harvest their tomatoes, it’s so much fun to be here.

We were lucky enough to get to meet the winemaker Larry Schaadt and his brother, the men behind this operation. He makes wines with a passion, besides their vineyards, the winemaker sources the grapes from all over Sonoma to Napa Valley to make his wines and bottling it here at the winery.

The winemaker is such a charmer, with a warm personality, and IMG_2827beautiful blue eyes. (OK, so that got nothing to do with wines, but you know what I mean.) He and his brother were so gracious chatting up with us and sharing with us their story behind the winery.

Instead of tasting a selection of 5 wines limited productions, we got to try a few more rare wines, never before seen; from Pinot Noir from different appellation to Cabernet Sauvignon, to sparkling wine. Everything was delicious.

On our third visit, we got to try the new release 2013 Regale regale-cabRussian River Valley Pinot Noir which was quite nice and the Super Tuscan.  You can do tasting flights here or you can order a bottle of wine on the menu to share with your group. They focus on Pinot Noir and Cabernet, but they also feature limited-production Italian varietals such as Sangiovese and Barbera as well as their popular Chardonnay.  It’s a perfect way to spend a beautiful weekend afternoon with your friends and loved ones.

My friends and I enjoyed our visit and the hospitality of the staff there from beginning to finish.

They also offer the wine club members with a lot of benefits you can find more details on their website:

P1030367Wine Benefits
* Bi-Monthly shipments of 2 or 4 bottles
* Generous discounts on wine purchases
* Access to limited production member-only wines
* Free tasting for you and your guest(s)
* Membership privileges at their new Regale Wine Bar which is Rendezvous in Campbell, CA opened in late 2014.

Event Benefits
* Private member-only events for you and your guests
* Generous discounts on special events
* Special discounts on private events at Regale Winery and Wine Bar

IMG_2828Exclusive Estate Privileges
* Members-only wine tasting lounge
* Priority reserved seating
* Priority access to bocce, patios and terrace areas

Spa Privileges
* 15% Off spa services at The Spa ~ Los Gatos, Monday – Friday

I love the space and the gorgeous garden they offer, from the balcony of the second floor, you can enjoy the peaceful but breathtaking view of the mountains.  The wines are good and also very reasonable in price. Regale Winery and Vineyards is such a great place to throw a party, wedding, or corporate events.

Follow them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/regalewinery

Regale Winery and Vineyards
24040 Summit Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
Phone: (408) 353-2500

by Manda Bear – @1MandaBear


Cornerstone Cellars and Stepping Stone Cellars, Napa Valley


Cornerstone Cellars located in the middle of downtown Yountville, just a step away from some of the best restaurants in Napa Valley, 13C6D1F3-7DA7-4D5D-8109-8164E0A56613The French Laundry, Bouchon, Bouchon Bakery, Ad Hoc, Bottega, Hurley’s, Redd and Redd Wood. Such a cute white painted cottage, think of a French country side, it’s much more spacious than it looks from the outside.

A long bar by the left side where you can chill and wines tasting, or reserve a table, where you can have a private tasting with your group. Plenty art works through out the tasting room and store, rack and rack of wines, as well as wine country souvenir for sale here. Another private tasting room for a larger group in the back where you can see a lot of their magnum bottles display through out the room.

9EF15376-AE9F-4884-9AA9-99234B14E75F    In 1991 Cornerstone Cellars was founded by Dr. Michael Dragutsky. Later managing partner Craig Camp from Napa Valley,  then current winemaker Jeff Keene from New Zealand came on board. They brought Cornerstone Cellars in Napa Valley and Oregon’s Willamette Valley to wine lovers.

We were lucky to chat with winemaker Jeff Keene and it was very informative and nothing better than having a winemaker poured
your wines, while walk you through the wines he makes.

Together with managing partner Craig Camp’s old world style background (he was importer of Burgundy & Bordeaux, and years of 31C3E691-F1E3-4C07-9420-1230BF1AFD46working at wineries in Italy); winemaker Jeff Keene, a New Zealand native and making wines here in Napa Valley. They now making elegant wines, terroir driven, balance in acidity and alcohol levels to pair with food better. I say they make old world style wines, the kind of wines that I personally love to drink. I don’t like wines with high alcohol, it just kills my taste bud.

With that said, we got to try some of their best selling wines, a few that memorable to me.

– 2011 Cornerstone, Cabernet Sauvignon, The Cornerstone, Napa Valley, Reserve; it’s a single vineyard, and only 100 cases made. A Bordeaux style blend of Cab, Merlot and Cab Franc. It was definitely a cooler vintage, in French Oak barrel for 22 months. This B4B52DB6-E2EC-47D8-906E-9427F149F067was a rare treat and a very gorgeous wine, round, elegant, silky, beautiful nose, and lingering finish. I enjoyed this every much.

– 2011 Cornerstone, Cabernet Sauvignon, Howell Mountain, Napa Valley $80, ripe fruit, powerful, spices, full bodied, and long finish, this is a voluptuous wine. We love it.

– 2012 Cornerstone, Napa Valley, Sauvignon Blanc, steel then 5 months in used French Oak, tropical fruits, pineapple, honeydew, melon, citrus, bright, and crisp, it’s a perfect wine for shellfish and Sunday Brunch.

– 2011 Cornerstone Napa Valley, Cab Franc, black label $45, ripe tannins, round, tobacco, herbal aromatic, lingering on the finish, elegance, structure, and rounder with an edge. I’m not a fruits bomb girl, so anything savory, you got me, this bottle did it for me. Reasonable, deliver, and food friendly cab franc is a hard to find in Napa Valley for less than $45.

FullSizeRender   We also got to try the Oregon’s Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. It was quite nice as well. We can’t wait to come back.

They also offer 4 different wine club members, and all vary to to your desire. Check them out here: www.cornerstonecellars.com/Wine-Club and follow them on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/CornerstoneNapa  and Instagram here: https://instagram.com/craigcamp

So if you visit Yountville, Cornerstone Cellars tasting room is a perfect spot for you to drop in for some good wines tasting before your dinner reservation.

Tasting Fee is only $20, members are FREE. You got to try out 5 different wines. If you have a group of more than 4 people on the weekend, reservation is highly recommended.

Cornerstone Cellars
6505 Washington Steet
Yountville, CA 94599
Tasting room: 1-707-945-0388
Email: TastingRoom@cornerstonecellars.com

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear


El Dorado Kitchen at El Dorado Hotel, Sonoma, CA

After a long day wine tasting in Sonoma County, we were eldorado1starving and ready to eat  our heart out. El Dorado Kitchen comes to our rescue. Knowing chef Armando Navarro from REDD in Napa, and I was excited to see what he was about to serve us.

El Dorado Kitchen is located in the El Dorado Hotel, it’s such a cute place, open kitchen, a 21-foot-long table fashioned from a single wood plank reclaimed from a Vermont bridge, lots of eldorado3windows for sun light, white trim, fresh flowers, something about this place is so romantic to me. Well, I was in the company of 2 other hot foodies/good friends 🙂

El Dorado Kitchen serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. We were here for a dinner feast, and I wasn’t kidding.eldorado4

– Kusshi, South Puget Sound, Baywater Sweet oysters – a dozen of freshness!

– Ahi Tuna Tartare – Soy vinaigrette, wonton chips, asian pear, avocado, wasabi tobiko, micro cilantro – tasty, generous portion.

– Roasted Young Beets – Goat cheese mousse, orange, watercress, pistachio meringue – perfect for a warm summer night in Sonoma.
– Steamed Mussels – Chorizo, chickpeas, garlic, white wine broth, country croutons – the mussels weren’t plumed, but the broth was perfect for crouton dipping. It soaked up the broth and it was so good!

– The Truffles fries – oh goodness, gracious, this order is BIGGER than my head! However, it was perfect for dipping to the mussels broth!

– Chilled Corn Soup – Corn & shrimp salsa, chili oil, brioche crouton – it was nice and smooth, love.eldorado5

– Pork Belly – cherry tomato, pickled ramps, jalapeño vinaigrette – this was a SPECIAL order, since I’m allergic to watermelon, chef changed up the recipe. I love pork belly and this is why I work out regularly, so I can indulge this kind of goodness!

– Dungeness Crab Cake – Heirloom tomato gazpacho, avocado, sweet 100 tomatoes, pea shoots – fresh and sweet, beautiful plating.

– Housemade Ricotta & Lemon Ravioli – Roasted artichokes, asparagus, rutabaga, parmesan, guazzetto – delicious.

– Pork and ahi tuna tacos, special order from chef Armando Navarro – thank you for this – they offer on the bar menu.


– Vanilla Tapioca – Peach, rhubarb gel, brioche, raspberry sorbet

– Baked Chocolate Mousse – Chocolate shortbread crumble, crème fraîche froth, mint chocolate chip ice cream

– Cherry Crisp – Lemon curd, streusel, cream cheese sorbet

For the wine list, El Dorado Kitchen carries almost 170 wines by the bottles and 30 by the glasses, majority Sonoma County, Napa, and decent choices of French wines, I’m impressed. I love that how all the local wines are small mark up, that was exactly what we did, ordered Sonoma wines.

Service was good, the food was so reasonably price point, GENEROUS PORTIONS, so we obviously over ordered ourselves. Thank you chef Armando for the extra love and changed the recipe because I was allergic to the watermelon.

eldorado2           During our dinner, there was a black out in Sonoma Square, the restaurant kept calm, and continue to serve us in extra candle lights, just about 5 minutes later, the light was back on, and everything was as smooth as nothing had happened.

My 2 girlfriends and I couldn’t even move by the time we finished the dinner. We are full, satisfied, and happy. I love it here and I can’t wait to bring more friends and family back here soon.

Follow chef on IG: http://instagram.com/chef_g_navarro

El Dorado Kitchen
405 1st St W,
Sonoma, CA 95476
(707) 996-3030

by Manda Bear – @1MandaBear