Tag Archives: Napa Valley Wine Country

BITE Silicon Valley Grand Tasting Recap

levisThis inauguration Bite Silicon Valley 2015 wasn’t only for foodies + techies get together, but also for a great cause, supporting two outstanding organizations in the Bay Area.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties (SHFB) is the trusted leader dedicated to ending local hunger in Silicon Valley. And the 49ers Foundation mission is to ‘Keep Kids Safe, on Track and in School.’

The two days Grand Tasting fill with food, wines, cocktails at the state of the art Levi’s Stadium, the home of the 49ers. There was food_bite_silicon_valleymore than 60 chefs, 30 wineries, liquor, beer, sake, and more; all come together to showcase a dynamic weekend of exceptional bites, cooking demos, and chef collaborations. Bite SV featured the industry’s leading technology experts and celebrity chefs such as including José Andrés, Michael Chiarello, Roy Choi, Dominique Crenn, Michael Mina, and Michael Voltaggio. And it’s in the heart of Silicon Valley at the newest and beautiful stadium, the host of Super Bowl 50, and the first professional football stadium to have achieved LEED Gold certification. Levi’s® Stadium is predicted Bite Silicon Valley 2015 052to be the first Californian pro sports venue to achieve net zero energy performance. There’s no place better to host Bite SV than here.

The two days Grand Tasting with over 700 guests for the first year. The two afternoons that you can get up close and personal with celebrity chefs for the first hour or so, it’s best if you get the VIP ticket so that you can attend the wine seminars. You got to meet your favorites, TV celebrities, Master Top Chefs, you name it, they were there to greet and hand you food. There was no line on both days. There were plenty of food and drinks, floating all day, except a few stations the dishes were gone after 2.5 hours. There is no place else can do a grander epicurean event for foodies + tech together like Bite Silicon Valley.

The best part of the Grand Tasting was that no food gone to waste. Bite Silicon Valley 2015 087The excellent company Feeding Forward made sure all food leftover was to deliver to feed the less fortunate. A social venture using technology to connect those with excess food to feed those in need through their mobile app. According to @FeedingForward, by saving just 5% of food from being wasted, we can feed 4 million people. Did you know that 365 million pounds of edible food are thrown away every day? Feed Forward goal is to eradicate hunger & food waste in America. Their platform enables businesses with excess edible food to fed communities in need, instantly. Please join the movement. Follow them @FeedingForward www.FeedingForward.com.

Thank you www.BiteSV.com and Octagon Culinary for an unforgettable weekend.

Some of the high-tech dishes that fans loved:

  1. Chef José Andrés used Clean Cook Stoves solar to make that tasty tacos  @CookStoves. Many attendees were wow by it, only in Silicon Valley.
  2. Revolutionary Plant-Based Dairy @KiteHillCheese, healthy, nutritious, and sustainable. The truffle Dill & Chive cheese and 2-3dcream cheese options make out of almond milk is perfect for lactose intolerance.
  3. 3DS Culinary, 3D Printing candies booth was a popular attraction for techies here.
  4. Cracker bite by @Nomiku was a big heat with a lot of home cooks and chefs.

3-motoA few of our favorite vegetarian dishes:

  1. Chef Richie Farina, Executive chef at Moto Restaurant in Chicago, Top Chef Texas contestant, with his stunningly beautiful edible garden.
  2. 2-beyondmeat-burger100% plant base meat, burger, and taco @BeyondMeat was a popular choice for vegetarian and vegan alike.
  3. Vegetarian bite by chef Charlie Parker at happening spot in Oakland @HavenOakland, Furikake Cracker, Smoke Goat Cheese, Sweet and Sour Eggplant, Mint.

Some of the tastiest dishes of all:

  1. Bite Silicon Valley 2015 055The Glazed Pork Belly bite by Michelin Starred Chef Peter Armellino @PlumedHorse, it was our favorite dish on Day 2 Grand Tasting.
  2. Txampis “Bar Soriano” by Chef Jeffrey Weiss @JeninniKWB Seared Mushroom and garlic, it was our favorite 3-mushroomdish on Day 3 Grand Tasting. It was so good that brought many foodies back to the line for second or third bite at Sunday’s Grand Tasting.
  3. Since Foie Gras is legalized again in California, it was 3-ateliercrennpopular at BITE SV. Foie Gras Mousse bite elegantly displayed on a nice wood log by Michelin Starred Chef Dominique Crenn @AtelierCrenn, it was gone an hour before the Grand Tasting over.
  4. Delicious & the most aromatic Minced Lamb Sandwich dish @DosaSF.
  5. 3-spoonbarSimply Tasty Chilled Carrot Broth, Fermented Curry, Shallot, Peanut Granola, and Basils by Top Chef finalist Louis Maldonado @SpoonBar in downtown Healdsburg.
  1. Fresh oyster prepared by Chef Yu Min Lin’s signature dressing and Chef Dan Huynh of @TheSEAbyASH of Alexander’s Steakhouse Group was a perfect dish for 95-degree hot afternoon.
  1. 3-bourbonsteakpubLocal Salmon Crudo, Pressed Caviar, Yuzu Kosho, Crème Fraiche was the most photogenic dish by chef Chris Curtis @Chefcurtiss of @BourbonSteakPub a @ChefMichaelMina restaurant.
  1. Duck and Crab Fritter bites packed with flavor by Chef Dinari Brown @CenterPlate @LevisStadium
  2. Smoked Sea Scallop with Drop Biscuit, Bacon Aioli and tomato jam by Chef Parke Ulrich @Waterbar
    Bite Silicon Valley 2015 065
  3. Have you ever tried Foie Gras Macaron? Michelin Starred Chef Dmitry Elperin @TheVillagePubCA undoubtedly delivered this savory bite.

For sweet tooth foodies, there’re plenty desserts and pastries:

  1. 3-slanteddoorFor sweet tooth Chef Charles Phan @charlesphansf  @TheSlantedDoor served Vietnamese Coconut Rice Pudding dish. We have seen chef Charles Phan countless time at many food festivals, recently at the Pebble Beach Food and Wine Festival, but he hadn’t prepared any 3-michaelminasfdesserts before. This dessert spoon bite was a real treat.
  2. Perfect chocolate Jasmine, Hibiscus, Strawberry by Chef Matt Siciliano @MattSiciliano of the Michelin Starred @MichaelMinaSF
  3. Delicious chocolate mousse dessert from chef Veronica Aroyo @BourbonSteakPub
  4. 2-iccChocolates and plenty desserts by International Culinary Institute @ICCeduWebsite: BiteSV.com
    Twitter: Twitter.com/bitesv

BITE SILICON VALLEY, DAY 2 & Day 3 with Cooking Demonstrations & Seminars

Bite Silicon Valley, Day 2 & 3, Grand Tasting, Cooking
2-chefjoseandres_kerrydiamondDemonstrations,  Seminars, Plant Based Food, Clean Energy, and Wine Industry, at Levi’s® Stadium.

Bite Silicon Valley Saturday’s Grand Tasting featured the food of celebrity chefs locally and around the country as well as the tasty wins kept on flowing. Guests got to see 3D food printing, which
3-nomikuthis would often be seen at CES in Las Vegas.  Sous vide cooking by Nomiku @Nomiku with Co-Founder/CEO Lisa Fetterman, Solar cooking by chef José Andrés, ThinkFoodGroup, @chefjoseandres.

Moderator Jordan Mackay explained why wine is an agricultural product unlike any other. How can technology improve both viticulture and vinification, particularly in drought years in California?

We got to see Tim Geistlinger, Ph.D. Vice President of R&D; Beyond Meat talked about the 100% plan- based meat, with moderator 2-beyondmeatSantosh Jayaram @SantoJay @Table8. Yellow pea is the protein based for Beyond Meat popular Beast Burger, which served at the grand tasting. @BeyondMeat on plant-based protein & a sustainable diet for the future. Tim Geistlinger also discussed on impacting the World with diet creating the future of protein with @BeyondMeat mission.

Later was chef José Andrés, ThinkFoodGroup, @chefjoseandres talked about believing in the power of food as an agent of change at Bite Silicon Valley. Investing in solution, finding the less fortunate Bite Silicon Valley 2015 043jobs, feed them with food, affordable food for all, and Chef Andrés’s goal is to help people. Before you help others, you have to learn how to help them right! Investing in the people, in your community, making a difference in our community, seems to be the message of chef José Andrés this entire conference.

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 086Chef José Andrés demonstrated with AlSol Solar Cookstove outdoor to serve the crowd the popular tacos. He talked about poverty in the U.S. and around the world, as well as how we can be smarter on spending our money, return on our investment. We need to make sure we do not put people in misery. With technology from Silicon Valley, we can change that. Stop talking about what you do, start doing it, solve the problems with clean energy.

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 051In conclusion, “There’s no easy solution to this problem. But we raise awareness on this issue of clean energy.” Kerry Diamond, Editor in Chief of @YahooFood @kerrydiamond.
Cooking demonstrations with Francisco Migoya, Modernist Cuisine, Top Chef Michael Voltaggio, Ink Restaurant in LA.

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 073Wine Seminar was another popular event, talked about Apps, Snaps, Maps: Technology Takes on the Wine Industry. With San Francisco-based moderator, Alder Yarrow of Vinography.com and Cibo, for a lively investigation of how technology impacts the way we drink, learn, buy and share wine. With guest speaker Kim Beto and others, guests got to drink some delicious wines line up while engaging with speakers

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 069On day 3, Wine growing in an era of Digital & Drought with @mydailywine @ClarkRSmith @jorgrama @Gonzalez_Rave @PinotMaven

@Gonzalez_Rave said to stay honest with her fruit to create the best wine.

“99+% or 25,000 winemakers out there in the U.S. make less than 200 cases of wines, support them, because they don’t have the voice. They don’t’ have the resources to get their wines on the groceries store shelves.” @ClarkRSmith

Chef Michael Voltaggio @MVoltaggio shares his experiences in 13 countries: “Technology connects. Food unites people.” 

3-motoIt was a wrap at Bite Silicon Valley with Food Tech Sous Vide trail blazer Lisa Q. Fetterman from @Nomiku hosted by @kerrydiamond. We got try that tasty cracker at Nomiku station. 

With over 60 chefs, 30 wineries, 20 speakers, and all for a great cause, Bite SV benefits Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara & levisSan Mateo Counties and the 49ers Foundation.  Unlike other Food & Wine Festivals in Las Vegas, South Beach or Aspen, where celebrity sightings, fancy dinners, after-parties, and happy hours sponsored by many luxurious high end brands; Bite was a successful food + wine + tech + innovation festival, like no other, where ideas, issues, awareness, and solutions were raised and together we will make this world a better place. We’re so  looking forward to BITE Silicon Valley 2016.

To follow her food and wine adventure, you can follow her on:

Instagram: @1mandabear
Twitter: @1mandabear and @DepLifestyleMag


Bite Silicon Valley, Day 1, How Can We Shape The Future of Food, Health, and Technology, at Levi’s® Stadium

Bite Silicon Valley, Day 1, How Can We Shape The Future of Food, Health, and Technology to help our Growing Population, End Food Waste, Create Affordable Food for All, and GMOs Debate Conference, at Levi’s® Stadium

The Bite Silicon Valley, the nation’s first-ever FESTIVAL exploring bitesvthe intersection of food + tech, at Levi’s® Stadium June 5-7, 2015 has come to a close, marking the very first year of the best and the brightest in the worlds of culinary, chefs, innovators, pioneers, winemakers, and tech all got together in the heart of Silicon Valley. With over 60 chefs, 30 wineries, 20 speakers, and all for great cause, Bite SV chef_jose_andres_chef_michael_chiarellobenefits Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties and the 49ers Foundation. Unlike other Food & Wine Festivals in Las Vegas, South Beach or Aspen, where celebrity sightings, fancy dinners, after-parties, and happy hours sponsored by many luxurious high end brands; Bite has been a successful food + wine + tech + innovation festival, like no other, where ideas, issues, awareness, and solutions were raised and together we will make this world a better place. We’re humbled and truly honored to attend Bite SV and joined favorite chefs and Bite food_bite_silicon_valley2Silicon Valley to make a difference in our community.

Now that the show was over, here are a few highlights of DAY 1 conference, from Bite Silicon Valley 2015, Dep Lifestyle Magazine team got to attend this past weekend.

On day 1:

We got to listen to opening keynote speaker, one of Time Bite Silicon Valley 2015 021Magazine’s “100” Most Influential People and awarded “Outstanding Chef” by the James Beard Foundation chef Jose Andres of ThinkFoodGroup. Along with Michiel Bakker, Director, Global Food Program, Google, Danielle Nierenberg, President, Food Tank, and moderator Dorothy Cann Hamilton, Founder & CEO, The International Culinary Center.

What Are You Doing to Enable The Planet to Feed 9 Billion People?

“Food is the most important energy. Food moves everyone. Food is not a problem. Food is a solution for us now and the future. How are we going to feed the 9 billion people? The rich & the poor are all interconnect. Food is lifting us up, not bringing us down. We need to use technology to solve food waste & to save the hungers. Food can change the world. And we are in the best place in the world to start that conversation NOW.” Chef Jose Andres was passionate about this as he always has been committed advocate of food and hunger issues.

“If you focus on something, change will happen. Don’t wait for Bite Silicon Valley 2015 020perfect solution, act today! Done is better than perfect.” by Michiel Bakker. He shared Google vision: “To inspire and enable the world to make food choices and use food experiences to develop more sustainable lifestyles and communities.” How can we help people to be at their best today, tomorrow and over the long haul through food (experiences)? And Google goal: “Move people to a balanced-plant-centric diet. And how do we increase appeal of plant-based proteins?”

“Forward thinking, connecting people together and how to get people together moving forward with food.” By Dorothy Cann Hamilton

Inspiration note by Danielle Nierenberg: “Food Tank is committed to showcasing best practices to implement change.”

bite1The Millennials how they are engaged with food, it’s our generation to solve this ongoing world’s problems. With technology moving forward, celebrity chefs, world leaders, scientists, and community, together we can solve this problem by minimizing, reversing, and conserving.

The Challenge of Food Waste – Moderator Kerry Diamond, Editor in Chief, Yahoo Food.

“Waste food = profit, I’m an entrepreneur, I guarantee you I want to make profit = no food waste.” Chef Jose Andres

“100% “nasty goods”, sell healthy food to kids, Robert Egger Founder LA Kitchen & DC Central Kitchen, said he is seriously thinking about branding it!

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 028Follow @UglyFruitAndVeg @EndFoodWaste food is the single largest source of waste in the US. EndFoodWaste.org is the website and campaign created and managed by volunteer food waste activist Jordan Figueiredo.  In the world, 33% of our food is wasted while 1 in 7 people are food insecure and 10% of our human-made emissions come from the food we waste.  It is through the intersection of those issues, as the environmental and social challenges of our time that sparked the website motto “To End Food Waste, Hunger, and Climate Change. All at the Same Time.”  Bringing these 3 issues together provides greater awareness and inspiration as they are very well connected in problem and in solutions such as food waste prevention and food recovery, among other things.

“LA restaurants food waste is coming to an end. Profit should not food_bite_silicon_valleyleaving your community, and think of social responsibility, we should End Food Waste now.” Robert Egger. He mentioned that LA serves local food and keeps the money in the local community, especially for the public sector. Uncensored Egger added: “Could “Fuck Waste” be the “Got Milk?” slogan for Food Waste?” Then he gives us one of his best advise “First to follow, last can lead”, food can reveal that power that we all have!” More food ends up in landfills than plastic or paper and that’s fact.

According to the USDA, in 2013, 14.7 million or approximately 20 percent of children in the U.S. lived in poverty, that’s 1 in 5 children, how can we end food waste? And share ii with the less fortunate? How can food waste be such a big problem?

Hampton Creek, Josh Tetrick, CEO/Founder, a technology company hampton_creek_josh_tetrickpioneering in food and selected by Bill Gates as one of the three shaping the future of food. It has a mission to bring healthier and affordable food to everyone, everywhere, using the world’s untapped plant kingdom. Hampton Creek is the fastest-growing food company on Earth.

“Everything I do right now is making a machine that makes an impact in this world.” Good people will do good. Just make it easy. What would it look like of we started over? We don’t have to be victims of the supply chain” Tetrick added.

The Story of Loco’l – Bringing Restaurants to Food Deserts.

Bite Silicon Valley 2015 032Chef Roy Choi, who is celebrated for “food that isn’t fancy” and is known as one of the founders of the food truck movement. He shared with us Loco’l, his new fast casual concept aimed at food deserts, will be open later 2015 in Watts, a neighborhood in Los Angeles, as well as in the Tenderloin, San Francisco in the near future.  Chef Roy Choi is making a difference in our community 1 food truck at a time. We got to serve our community first! Support your community by follow him on Twitter @RidingShotgunLA and @welocol for news and updates along the way.

“We’re bring the best motherfucker here to you, but they came from Watts, Tenderloin that culture, that life will change. I trust the intelligence of the public. We want to serve the public good food. They don’t need to know who we are (chefs). Culture, food, life, there is a whole landscape out there. It’s a journey, not to be adulty about food.” Uncensored chef Roy Choi, got the crowd cheering up for him.

“He brings his soul, his food, and his passion to the people. He’s amazing. He’s a hero.” Chef Jose Andres praised Chef Roy Choi in closing.

The Renewed Debate About GMOs

On the last discussion of the conference, Bite SV debated about the Bite Silicon Valley 2015 038controversial of GMOs, Dr. Robert Fraley, EVP and CTO of Monsato and Chef, TV Host, Farmer, + Vintner Michael Chiarello discussed about the need to feed a growing population and overcome adverse growing condition, what roll GMOs play.

“Without profitability there is no sustainability. The sufficient food, since 1980, the bad news is that 256% people are over nourished, we can re-distribute the calories from the over nourished to the under nourished. Decrease emotional calories, it’s all about calories distribution in our population, take us back to 1900.” Chef Michael Chiarello.

wife_chef_michael_chiarelloMany of American are now malnourished. They are over nourished. Our eating habits have changed drastically in the last few decades. Even in California, according UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and California Center for Public Health Advocacy, 1 in 3 children are obesity, how did we get here? And 1 in 5 children in this country are hungry every day. How can we change this?

$15 an average meal cost for an American is about a week wage for 4 billion people in the world. This is fact from Dr. Robb Fraley. By 2050 we need to produce more food than ever before in history. We have to reduce and conserve to feed the population, and we need to be able to do it all facing the climate change, together we can.

“I wake up every day for the last 35 years, thinking what I leave for dr_robert_fraley_chef_chiarellomy kids. That’s what thrive me. Innovation in food is what we do.” Dr. Robb Fraley. Collaborating for change: discussed how Monsato broadly licenses technologies around the world to help farmers. GMOs panel talked about Hybridization and genetic modification are the same thing; the difference is the warp speed.

Audiences asked what would Dr. Robb Fraley do different if he could. He replied: “I would start with the trust by the consumers, that’s how I would start over.” IN the end, an interesting point Dr. Robb Fraley stated that not only Monsato a_chef_jose_andresagainst GMOs labeling because only 5 percent of food that needs it; but the public also voted down on this proposition 37.

In closing of the conference Day 1, the speakers and the audiences all agree that we need to reduce, conserve, and little by little than nothing at all.

Author: Manda Bear

To follow her food and wine adventure, you can follow her on:

Instagram: @1mandabear
Twitter: @1mandabear and @DepLifestyleMag

Vegas Uncork’d by Bon Appétit April 2015 Recap

   It was surely an incredible weekend of food, wine, drink, and social in Las Vegas April 23-26, serving up exciting culinary events at ARIA, BellagioCaesars Palace and MGM Grand. This year’s extravaganza features intimate dinners and interactive experiences hosted by acclaimed chefs, sommeliers and mixologists such as first-Vegas Uncork'd 2015 035time participant Emeril Lagasse, along with talents like Gordon Ramsay, Michael Mina, Guy Savoy, Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Julian Serrano, Shawn McClain and Ho Chee Boon, as well as Emeril Laggase, Francois Payard, Wolfgang Puck, and Alain Ducasse.    

     Las Vegas where more than 30 celebrity chefs and 100 wineries come together to showcase a dynamic weekend of exceptional lunches, dinners, cooking demos, chef collaborations, and experience the amazing Grand Tastings, featuring the industry’s leading experts and most coveted restaurants in the world. And it’s all surrounded by some of the most beautiful hotels in Las Vegas

     The Grand Tasting at Caesars Palace is the grandest event of all, Vegas Uncork'd 2015 397with over 2,500 guests.  This is the evening that you can get up close and personal with celebrity chefs for the first hour or so, it’s best if you get the VIP $300 ticket, to avoid the crowd, you got to meet your favorites, TV celebrities, Master Top Chefs, you name it, they were there to greet and hand you food.  There is no place else can do a grander epicurean extravaganza event for foodies than Las Vegas. 

Thank you www.vegasuncorked.com and Bon Appétit Magazine for an unforgettable weekend, no surprise that Vegas Uncork’d was voted the top 10 Best Readers’ Choice: Best Food Festival Winners on USA Today 2015.

Until 2016, let’s eat, drink, be merry and celebrate life in Las Vegas style.

Thursday APRIL 23, 2015 

The ninth annual Vegas Uncork’d by Bon Appétit, presented by Vegas Uncork'd 2015 150Chase Sapphire Preferred®, began with a splash as some of the biggest names in the culinary world united in Las Vegas. Joined by more than 20 other iconic chefs, including Emeril Lagasse, Michael Mina and Guy Savoy, chef Julian Serrano did the honors of traditionally sabering a bottle of Mionetto Prosecco on the patio of Vegas Uncork'd 2015 156his newest restaurant, LAGO at Bellagio, as the resort’s famed Fountains of Bellagio danced in the background.

A-list celebrity chefs including Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Julian Serrano, Michael Mina and Shawn McClain came together for an all-star feast at The Buffet at ARIA to
Vegas Uncork'd 2015 152put their gourmet spin on self-service style dining. Diners sipped champagne while sampling dozens of award-winning specialties including Julian Serrano’s Spanish tortillas, Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s smoked kurabota pork rack with ancho chili glaze and escargot from Michael Mina.

Over at the new Boarder Grill inside Caesars Palace, Chefs Vegas Uncork'd 2015 065Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger spiced things up with a fabulous fiesta, fueled by tequila and tacos during their Master Series Dinner. Foodies embraced savory Mexican fare including oysters on the half shell, a variety of ceviche, grilled fish JG STeak (2)tacos and seafood cocktails while sipping free flowing and award-winning margaritas from the interactive drink station.

Acclaimed chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten created an exclusive
dinner at the lakeside patio of Prime Steakhouse, offering guests a spectacular view of the famed Fountains of Bellagio. Guests were treated to an elegant four-course dinner JG STeak (1)showcasing various cuts of beef which included A5 Japanese wagyu beef Carpaccio and prime dry aged rib-eye, served by Jean-Georges Vongerichten himself and perfectly paired with premier wines.

Friday APRIL 24, 2015 

chef Wolfgang Puck Emeril Lagasse   The culinary masters of Wolfgang Puck’s Las Vegas restaurants came together for a special lunch, hosted by Spago Executive Chef Eric Klein, to showcase the many flavors of Wolfgang Puck’s empire at Spago in Caesars Palace. Foodies enjoyed five courses prepared by top chefs Eric Klein, Dustin Lewandowski, Mike Tiva, Jorge Martinez and Matt Hurley, and guests were treated to a surprise appearance by Wolfgang Puck.

Vegas Uncork'd 2015 322        Dessert connoisseurs became pastry savvy during the sweetest Master Series at Vegas Uncork’d in Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro at Caesars Palace. Pastry Chef François Payard shared his techniques as attendees enjoyed the freshest, most delicious French pastries, including rice crispies with milk chocolate and crispy
Vegas Uncork'd 2015 351chocolate filo, white chocolate and raspberry napoleons and floating islands with spiced chocolate sauce.

The luxurious Garden of the Gods Pool Oasis at Caesars Palace hosted the ultimate culinary event, The Grand Tasting. Grand TastingGuests experienced the best of the best with free-flowing wines and spirits while mingling with more than 75 award-winning chefs including Emeril Lagasse, Wolfgang Puck, Gordon Ramsay, Jean-George Vongerichten, Guy Savoy, François Payard, Michael Mina, Mary Sue Milliken, Susan Feniger and more.

Vegas Uncork'd 2015 307        Guests got up close and personal with Border Grill chef-owners Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger during the fun-filled boozy brunch and cooking class at Caesars Palace. Foodies gathered during this exclusive demonstration to watch the innovative Mexican dishes such as huevos rancheros, homemade Vegas Uncork'd 2015 421chorizo chilaquiles and Jalisco burro as well as intricate libations including sparkling pineapple mimosas, vere maria and blood orange jalapeno margaritas come to life before indulging on the five-course brunch.

Saturday APRIL 25, 2015 

Vegas Uncork'd 2015 393       Over at Bellagio, award-winning chef Julian Serrano curated a special brunch to debut his new restaurant, Lago. The exclusive afternoon of creative Italian small plates and innovative cocktails included build-your-own Bloody Mary and champagne Vegas Uncork'd 2015 419cocktails along with frittata della nonna, spiedino di salsiccia and biancomangiare.

Cocktail connoisseurs learned to pour like a pro with ARIA Mixologist Craig Schoettler at Alibi Cocktail Lounge. Attendees broke into teams to show off their Chef - Aria Kim Woodbest bartending skills and competed against fellow participants to see who could shake up the best original cocktail. The winning team’s cocktail will be featured in Alibi’s Cocktail Lounge menu.

Chef Guy Savoy     Chef Guy Savoy and luxury Champagne house, Krug Champagne, brought a one-of-a-kind experience to diners at Restaurant Guy Savoy at Caesars Palace. Ticket holders sat at the only Krug Chef’s Table in the U.S., sipping on luxurious Krug champagne while Chef Guy Savoy prepared a tantalizing menu of artichoke and black truffle soup and colors of caviar, perfectly paired with Krug Vintage 2000, Krug Vintage 2003 and Krug Rose.

Chef Emeril Lagasse and Michale Mina     Culinary enthusiasts united poolside for a New Orleans Style Fish House experience at MGM Grand Producer’s Pool. Guests were treated to craft beer on tap with freshly shucked raw and grilled oysters, cooked to order whole grilled market fish and New Orleans style boiled seafood delicacies.
Vegas Uncork'd 2015 469During the event, students Elsa Sabellano Jenstad and Krista Burdick of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Las Vegas teamed up with Vegas Uncork’d chefs Emeril Lagasse and Michael Mina to battle it out for a $20,000 scholarship during the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Grill Challenge. Ultimately, the grand prize went to Elsa Jenstad of Team Emeril.

Vegas Uncork'd 2015 496     Jasmine Restaurant at Bellagio hosted an educational tasting and welcomed representatives from four member wineries from In Pursuit of Balance, Rajat Parr of Domaine de la Côte, Jasmine Hirsch of Hirsch Vineyards, Matt Licklider of Lioco and Steve Matthiasson of Matthiasson. During California Chardonnay and Pinot Noir: A Tasting of Balance, an array of wine was served including Vegas Uncork'd 2015 470LIOCO Chardonnay “Hanzell Vineyard,” Domaine de la Cote Pinot Noir “Estate,” Matthiasson Merlot “Red Hen Vineyard” and Hirsh Vineyards Pinot Noir “San Andreas Fault Estate.” sipping on Vegas Uncork'd 2015 432the selected Pinot Noir and California Chardonnay’s from Bellagio’s Director of Wine and Master Sommelier Jason Smith, alongside Bon Appétit Wine editor David Lynch.

Internationally acclaimed chef Gordon Ramsay gave foodies the Chef Gordon Ramsaychance to compete in a friendly cook-off to experience the heat of Hell’s Kitchen at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace. Following the cook-off, participants celebrated with a corresponding dinner alongside Ramsay and Hell’s Kitchen winning chefs Christina Wilson and Scott Commings for a three course meal which included a spring garden journey, Kurobuta pork tenderloin and strawberry rhubarb mosaic.

Guests enjoyed an interactive journey through the art of modern Cantonese cooking with Michelin-starred chef Ho Chee Boon at Hakkasan Restaurant & Nightclub at MGM Grand. Diners embraced the special six-course dinner that featured the restaurant’s globally acclaimed cuisine paired with exquisite wines selected by Christine Parkinson, the world-renowned curator of Hakkasan’s award-winning wine program.

All Star - Buffet     Guests at ARIA’s Sage Restaurant enjoyed a sophisticated five-course dinner celebration by tasting some of the most highly-coveted vintage wines, hand selected by Flower’s Vineyard Estate Director, Greg Miller, and ARIA Director of Wine, Kim Wood and paired with farm-to-table fare from James Beard and award-winning chef Shawn McClain, including Maine lobster pave, Hawaiian kampachi, aged ricotta ravioli, glazed veal cheek and blackberry panna cotta.

Bravo’s newest TV competition series came to life during the star-studded Saturday soiree, presented by Buick, at the Bravo’s Best New Restaurant Pop-Up at Caesars Palace. Guests enjoyed a four-course seated dinner prepared by America’s “Best New Restaurant,” DOLCE Italian, with signature dishes such as ricotta cavatelli, grilled octopus and seared branzino.

Sunday APRIL 26, 2015 

Inside ARIA at BARDOT Brasserie, internationally celebrated chefs Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Michael Mina, Jean Philippe CHefsMaury, Shawn McClain and Julian Serrano created a one-of-a-kind daytime soiree. Guests enjoyed the bountiful brunch that featured classic French dishes including Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s char grilled wagyu strip steak, Michael Mina’s hunters waffle, Shawn McClain’s Maine lobster ravioli, Julian Serrano’s huevos Serrano and “The Sweet French Affair” prepared by Jean Philippe Maury with opera, warm chocolate cake and lemon chefsensation. World-class French wines, which included a 2006 Domaine La Tour Vieille Rimage Banyuls and a 2010 Jean Follard Cuvee Corcelette Morgan flowed throughout brunch to pair perfectly with the French cuisine and sultry sounds of the live French jazz band.

Attendees’ senses took a trip to Southern Italy during an Vegas Uncork'd 2015 424afternoon affair at Rao’s at Caesars Palace. Frank Pellegrino, Jr. entertained guests in true Italian fashion by serving multi-course family-style plates that featured family favorites such as the beef and pork braciola, Rao’s meatballs, and sweet and hot Italian sausage braised together in a rich and flavorful Italian meat sauce known as “Sunday Gravy.” Perfectly paired with the authentic specialties, guests also enjoyed seasonally inspired libations including Quercerto Chianti and Nuschese Pinot Grigio alongside non-stop entertainment that comes with a traditional Italian Sunday meal.

Over at Bellagio, in the private room of Sensi, Vegas Uncork’d Chef Sensiguests took center stage for one final over-the-top social dining extravaganza. Foodies feasted on whole roasted beasts of land and sea, including a whole roasted lamb, ketchup dusted pork rinds, deviled duck eggs and a whole roasted fish served spit-roasted, crispy-skinned, slow-smoked and salt-baked, while giant bottles of hand selected artisanal and craft label beers from Brooklyn Brewery and Samuel Adams flowed throughout the evening.

Author: Manda Bear
Manda Bear has a passion for food and wine as a very young age. She’s currently with Dep Lifestyle Magazine San Francisco Bay Area, as a co-publisher and contributor @DepLifestyleMag@DiningOutVegas @FabMediaSF. She has contributed for Viet Press, Viet Tribune, Studio 14 Magazine, DiningOut Magazine in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is currently contributing for Drink Me Magazine www.DrinkMeMag.com and Dep Lifestyle Magazine.

She’s a certified level II Sommelier @VintageWineSR at  www.VintageWineMerchants.com on Santana Row in Silicon Valley and you can find her on YouTube for her “Wine Not” Rượu Cho Người Việt by Dep Lifestyle Magazine.

She’s a PR/brand ambassador for hospitality, food, and wine industry, as well as a Social Media consultant for high tech companies in Silicon Valley. She’s also a former restaurant owner and has traveled to dine at over hundred of Michelin Star/James Beard Award winning restaurants around the world.




Coqueta Restaurant, chef Michael Chiarello, San Francisco, CA

Home of the hottest tapas spot by the water Coqueta of Napa Valley celeb chef Michael Chiarello. On a beautiful afternoon, you can sit at the bar and get this waterfront view, watch the bartender makes awesome cocktails and sampling on the delicious menu of tapas and pintxos, bite-size skewers $2.50 each, a must try, perfect as a quick bite or just to catch up with your friends over happy hour.

House cured boquerones, white anchovies, olives, pearl onions, and coquetta_pintxoguidilla peppers was my favorite. Chorizo, roasted artichokes, and piquillo peppers, was equally impressive. Serrano, house cured, Mancheco, and apricot-sherry conserva was also very good. And the Quail egg “Diablo”, pickled mustard seed, Jamon Serrano; you must order it, who doesn’t love quail egg and Jamon Serrano?

Coqueta means “flirt” or “infatuation” in Spanish, and represents Michael Chiarello and his team’s exploration and interpretation of Spanish Cuisine, wine and inspired cocktails, while highlighting the bounty of Northern California.

Pier 5, The Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94111

Phone: 415.704.8866

Lunch: Tuesday – Sunday 11:30am – 3:00pm
Bar5: Monday – Sunday 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Dinner: Sunday – Wednesday 5:00pm – 10:00pm //
Thursday – Saturday 5:00pm – 11:00pm
Twitter // Facebook 

by Manda Bear – TwitterInstagram

Cairdean Vineyards, St. Helena, Napa Valley Wine Country

cairdean1  Cairdean Vineyards just opened their tasting room in St. Helena in the Spring 2014, just right down the street from the Culinary Institute of America, opens 7 days a week from 11-8 PM and no reservation required; which is a perfect last stop on your way back since all the wineries are closed at 4-5 PM.

A beautiful tasting room, spacious, modern, and quite charming with a square bar makes it easy to serve guests as they can stand around or sit down. The earthy palette, concrete flooring and dark stained cabinetry are brightened with brass accents.Love the table with black marble top and brass base, leather club chairs, chandelier constructed out of wine bottles which give me a great idea for my own and a beautiful stone fireplace.
We got to try a lot of wines but a few that stand out.

– Haley Margaret White Wine – $10 of this wine helps raise awareness and funding for others who battle Cystic Fibrosis. Nice nose, stone fruits, smooth, bright, just a good wine for Sunday brunch, a unique blend of Pinot Gris, Roussanne, and Viogner.

– 2010 Cairdean Vineyards Merlot Bordeaux blend – 81% Merlot, 17% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1.5% Malbec, and 0.5% Petite Verdot. On cairdean4the nose, red berry, dark cherry , and blueberry aromas,  oak spice, hazelnut and cocoa, lingering finish, medium bodied with balanced acidity. Maybe I’m bias because I love Bordeaux, this wine reminds me of a good bottle of the Right Bank, Pomerol 2010 vintage, to be exact. Only 492 Cases Produced.

– 2011 Cairdean Vineyards Syrah – 84% Syrah, 11% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon, dark cherry, spice, herbs, beautiful and cairdean3voluptuous on the nose, even more curvy on the bodied, long finish, full bodied. Syrah is not my favorite varietal, but this bottle makes me think of Northern Rhone, well done, I enjoyed this very much and I got to tried this the last 2 years. If you love a BIG wine, you must TRY this! Winemaker Stacia Williams surely nailed this one! She’s also very sweet and humbled, I’m lucky to get to meet here and her husband Edwin Williams co-owner of Cairdean Vineyards during Flavor! Napa in 2014.

cairdean2  Service was wonderful here as always and the tasting fee is very reasonable and affordable for Napa Valley. Cairdean Vineyards is a perfect last top for you before you leave Napa Valley, don’t forget to check out their newly opened restaurant The Farmer and The Fox cairdeanestate.com

Follow them on Twitter and IG: twitter.com/CairdeanWine

by Manda Bear @1MandaBear